Monthly Archive for October, 2014

Script reads public IP address from ADSL router using UnP

I know of three ways to get the present IP address of an ADLS router:

  • send a request to one of the “whatismyaddress” sites
  • write a script to log into your router and get the address from a status page
  • send a UPnP request to the router

The public IP address is an important thing to know if the router connects using dynamic IP. I use the following script to check my public IP now and then (every ten minutes actually) to detect changes, using UPnP. Another script then signals a dynamic IP name server about this.

Continue reading ‘Script reads public IP address from ADSL router using UnP’

Change Beaglebone display geometry

I’m not into the GUI on my beaglebone black, only multiuser run level 3. That is, I get a big black terminal on my HDMI display. OK, that’s what I want.

The problem was: the acendents of letters and the underscore ended up below the screen area, makes line editing difficult.

So, I installed fbset, a program to adjust the geometry of the frame buffer screen Continue reading ‘Change Beaglebone display geometry’