Monthly Archive for November, 2014

C-function calculates CRC of Sensirion SHT1x humidity sensor data

When reading the measured humidity or temperature value from the SHT1x Sensirion humidity sensor one may also read the optional check sum. This check sum can then be used to validate the read value. This function does this operation without using a precalculated CRC table.

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Python function calculates SHT1x humidity sensor check sum

When reading the measured humidity or temperature value from the SHT1x Sensirion humidity sensor one may also read the optional check sum. This check sum can then be used to validate the read value. This python function does this operation. See also a C-source alternaltive.

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Interrupt driven SHT1x humidity sensor

The Sensirion humidity and temperature sensor has a two wire serial interface to read out the temperature and humidity. It also has a status register which can be set up, e.g. to choose the number of bits of the measured values . This post is about reading the sensors using theĀ  power on defaults. Continue reading ‘Interrupt driven SHT1x humidity sensor’